Lights on Afterschool is an annual national event to showcase, advocate and celebrate the importance of afterschool and summer programs for youth. Out-of-School time programs provides children and youth opportunities to connect with supportive adults, grow positively with peers and learn to give back to the community. Youth who participate in OST programs make positive contributions back to the community by planting community gardens, organizing clean-ups, raising funds for a charity and have lead changes in their schools. In addition, youth in OST have made significant improvements behaviorally and academically as well as demonstrated gains in standardize test scores. In Allegheny County there are 188,023 youth between the ages of 5-17 eligible to participate in afterschool or expanded learning opportunities
Lights on Afterschool in Allegheny County will take place across multiple locations and times across the county to increase the reach of the event between October 15th through October 23rd, 2015.
You can participate by joining the conversation online! Tell us why it’s important to “keep the lights on” afterschool on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #LightsonAfterschool and #LOAPgh. Follow APOST online to stay up to date with the latest Lights On and Afterschool happenings in Allegheny County!
Click here to view a listing of Lights on Afterschool Events for 2015.
Check out the “Lights On” music video created by the YMCA Lighthouse Project!