Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – 12:00PM – 1:00PM This lunch and learn is especially for arts practitioners who work with the public. We will examine the most successful ways to build and maintain trust among our visitors as we strive for disability justice through our arts service provision. Lunch provided. Click here to learn more […]
Teaching Artist Symposium
As artists, we teach to inspire communities, schools and students. The Teaching Artist Symposium offers the space and time to reflect, share, and support our fellow teaching artists so that we can inspire each other, too. By engaging in a day-long professional development opportunity focused on the needs of teaching artists and arts educators, […]
Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council: Teaching Artist Institute 2016
The Teaching Artist Institute (TAi) is a two-day professional development opportunity for regional teaching artists who are interested in improving their practice in the classroom and as professional artists. Partners at Gateway to the Arts, the PF/PCA and the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council developed the TAi in direct response to teaching artist feedback. You will select […]