Kelly Rottmund

Partnerships Manager

Kelly is a curious person who loves to meet new people and ask questions- qualities that contributed to both her Bachelors in Creative Nonfiction and her Master of Library & Information Science from The University of Pittsburgh.

For the last 15 years Kelly’s work has focused on supporting teenagers in public library settings across the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Most recently, she was the Teen Services Coordinator for Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (CLP) and prioritized creating connections between the library and other community spaces. In this work, Kelly led the design, development, delivery and evaluation of services supporting 6th-12th graders. Kelly learned from many of the same OST organizations APOST partners with as CLP worked to build community and create safe spaces for teens. Much of Kelly’s growth as an out-of-school time professional and caring adult is a result of APOST networking and PD opportunities, so she’s thrilled to be in the role of APOST’s Partnerships Manager. Kelly will be leading APOST’s offerings of Weikart trainings with new trained facilitators, organizing networking events for OST providers, and hopes to create spaces where we can learn from one another’s successes, share struggles, and uplift the network of supportive adults in our community.


Emily Concelman


Becky Boll