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Thanks to all conference attendees for a great day!
Resource & Presentation Deck Links are listed below.
Food and Fun Curriculum Training
Building Confidence in Each Other
Please join APOST on Friday, June 16th for our annual Summer Conference. The APOST Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time (OST) is a professional development conference that shares best practices in youth and leadership development. The conference is open to youth practitioners who want to increase their skills in working with youth in out-of-school time programs, mentoring relationships, or in summer camps, as well as managers of direct service practitioners.
Click here for event and location information.
The keynote speaker for the Summer Conference is Reverend Paul Abernathy. Father Paul Abernathy is Director of FOCUS Pittsburgh and the CEO of the FOCUS Pittsburgh Free Health Center which offers free primary, behavioral health, and dental care to Pittsburgh’s uninsured and underinsured with an initiative currently underway to address Community Trauma called Trauma Informed Community Development.
Click here to learn more about Father Paul Abernathy.
Click here to register!
8:00 AM Breakfast and Registration
8:30 AM Keynote by Rev. Paul Abernathy
9:20 AM – 10:50 AM Session One
- Building Confidence in Each Other (Leadership Track)
It takes a lot of self-confidence to be a youth worker, and sometimes team members can get stuck dwelling on perceived failures or a lack of success. When a co-worker is feeling down and out, how can we help them get their confidence back? Based on the proven practice of Motivational Interviewing, this training will provide new conversational techniques to foster confidence your team members, allowing them to live up to their full potential.
- Responding to Community Trauma: How to Build Healthy, Healing Neighborhoods (Health & Wellness Track)
Explore what community trauma is and how communities can heal after trauma occurs.
- Reframing Conflict (Youth Development Track)
Learn to incorporate a step-by-step conflict resolution model that focuses on teaching youth to how to re-frame conflict into learning experiences.
- Active Learning (PPS Summer Dreamers Academy Track – SDA ONLY)
Experience active learning first-hand and gain strategies for providing content that is challenging, meaningful, and focused on skill building to provide strong support for youth as they learn.
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Session Two
- Coaching Staff to Success (Leadership Track)
Do you want to learn how you coach your staff to achieve desired outcomes? This training will focus primarily on how to conduct performance reviews and give feedback to youth workers in ways that are motivational instead of disheartening.
- Food & Fun Curriculum Training (Health & Wellness Track)
Participants will learn how to implement the Food & Fun nutrition education curriculum by understanding key content areas, exploring curriculum structure, and practicing lessons from the curriculum in a fun, interactive training. Additionally, staff will gain takeaways for how to incorporate fun and engaging activities into their curriculum with ease.
- Active Learning (Youth Development Track)
Experience active learning first-hand and gain strategies for providing content that is challenging, meaningful, and focused on skill building to provide strong support for youth as they learn.
- Reframing Conflict (PPS Summer Dreamers Academy Track – SDA ONLY)
Learn to incorporate a step-by-step conflict resolution model that focuses on teaching youth to how to re-frame conflict into learning experiences.
12:30 PM – 1:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM – 2:45 PM Session Three
- Fostering Active Citizens: Leveraging Public Interest Design Strategies (Leadership Development Track)
Public Interest Design (PID) strategies can be applied to educational programs; providing opportunities for students to identify issues within a community, work alongside professionals and community stakeholders, and create contextual designs that have a positive, lasting impact. This workshop will identify and walk through steps to design a PID-based program.
- How to Develop a Mindful Approach to Working with Youth (Health & Wellness Track)
This presentation will introduce how mindfulness interventions with care providers and youth can improve social and emotional competencies reduce stress and burnout, and increase health and well-being. This presentation will also provide participants a chance to try some basic practices that they can use for themselves and their students.
- Poverty Spiral (Youth Development Track)
Consistent, long-term mentoring relationships have been proven to contribute to positive outcomes for youth living in low-resource communities. Yet many mentors are ill-prepared to understand the situations of youth struggling with poverty. To address this gap, The Mentoring Partnership of Southwestern PA has developed The Poverty Spiral, a simulation in the form of a traditional board game that promotes understanding of the everyday challenges faced by individuals living in poverty. Workshop participants will take part in The Poverty Spiral simulation and learn how this training tool can help mentors and program staff bridge the poverty gap and support long-term, high impact mentoring relationships.
- Planning & Reflection (PPS Summer Dreamers Academy – SDA ONLY)
Develop strategies to best incorporate planning and reflection into OST programming, which includes an overview of the Plan, Do, Reflect learning cycle.
What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?
Limited free parking is available in Lot A across from A. J. Palumbo Hall of Science & Technology.