Grade K-12 teachers | 7-hour workshop | Up to 10 participants Workshop available at Carnegie Science Center. Sat., April 27, 2019 from 9am–4pm Leonardo da Vinci embraced STEM before it was cool. Learn how to think, design, and build like the famous inventor did. In this full-day workshop, educators can learn how to incorporate STEM competencies into authentic […]
Dream Big in Engineering
Dream Big in Engineering Audience: Grade K-8 teachers February 21st, 10AM-1:00PM Put the “E” in your classroom by learning practical ways to integrate engineering activities into your instruction. Solving problems while being creative is just the start! At this unique workshop, educators will rotate through three stations involving hands-on learning, exploring engineering resources, and […]
Spice Up Your Science
Winter/Spring 2017 Semester Sharpen your STEM pedagogy skills with Carnegie Science Center’s Teaching Excellence Academy. The Winter/Spring 2017 Semester offers opportunities for educators in all grade levels, with specific workshops in STEM, early learner education, and the engineering design process. Act 48 credit and certificate of participation provided upon successful completion of each workshop. Workshops […]
Ask and Answer: Subtle Shifts to Get Your Kids Devising Questions and Generating Conclusions
December 15, 2016 4PM – 6:30PM Transitioning a traditional classroom to one that is more inquiry focused does not require a total curriculum rewrite or starting over from scratch. These simple classroom strategies turn traditional lessons and activities into ones driven by student questions and creativity and give kids the opportunity to practice and develop […]
Teaching Content through Games and Puzzles
Teaching Content through Games and Puzzles December 10, 2016 10AM – 1PM Learn how to create and utilize board games and video games in your curriculum. Game creation is a valuable tool for teachers but can be implemented as a student-driven activity as well. You will leave the workshop having created a content-focused game for […]
UnConference: Maker Tots
UnConference 2016: Maker Tots PAEYC (Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children) Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EDT) Carnegie Science Center – Pittsburgh, PA Can toddlers actually do circuitry? Why is “making” important for young children? Can STEAM learning actually happen through play? If you’ve ever wondered about this, then […]
American Golf History – Coming to Life
American Golf History – Coming To Life Carnegie Science Center – May 2 through June 19 The rich and vibrant history of golf in America comes to life in a new, interactive display that is part of Open for All programming for the first time in 2016: American Golf History – Coming to Life. Featuring […]
Maker Ed Meet-Up with FabLab!
Join the next meeting of the Remake Learning Maker Ed Meet Up on Wednesday, February 24th from noon to 1:30pm with FabLab! Meet and discuss with others in the region focused on Maker Education, find ways to collaborate, share ideas, and connect experiences. Enjoy light fare as we dig deep in providing […]
APOST Fall Conference for OST
Join us on Friday, September 18th from 8:30am-2:30pm at The Carnegie Science Center for the APOST Fall Conference for OST, a FREE professional development conference. The Fall Conference for Out-of-School Time is a conference that shares best practices in youth development. It is open to youth practitioners who want to increase their skills in working with […]